Cheetah Skin Guitar Pick
MY ART pls dont save

Welcome to my corner of the internet. Sit down, grab something to drink and enjoy as I give my opinions on 1001 things that no one cares about.

I don't know why the imgs r broken, I'll fix it later.

  • [01/03 (05:19)]: WIP Page: Monthly Newspaper/Overview Very experimental page.
  • [27/02 (04:03)]: New landing page!.
  • [26/02 (23:28)]: Added personal art to Home + buttons. Removed broken imgs.
  • [25/02 (00:02)]: Four more horror movies added!
  • [21/02 (04:27)]: Added three movie reviews + custom cursons. :P
  • [20/02 (02:24)]: New page: Movie Reviews.
  • [17/02 (07:16)]: Fuck me I just redid the nav 3x.
  • [17/02 (04:22)]: CSS 4 updates log.
  • [17/02 (03:15)]: Redoing the entire thing from scratch... lol.
  • Re-do this page now that I kinda know what I'm doing lol?
  • Add music
  • Writing page
  • Something 4 current hyperfocus idk
  • Mess around w Java 4 the universe page.....
  • Add 2 landing page